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UNLV and GVC publishes report into responsibly legalising sports betting in the US


The report by UNLV International Gaming Institute titled “The Big Questions: Sports Wagering in America,” aims to answer a broad range of questions faced by legislators and regulators and inform states’ decision making regarding legalising sports betting.

GVC’s US Foundation, which promotes responsible gambling, sponsored the report and did not see the report prior to it being published, to ensure integrity.

Among the answers to key questions, the report advised that sports betting can be legalised and regulated with integrity, in a way that protects both the gambling industry and various sports leagues, and if proven practices are implemented.

It also found that online sports betting can increase technology jobs and replace illegal betting.

In terms of problem gambling, the report said government funding for strong programs to help the issue is vital, and problem gambling concerns need to be addressed before an expansion of cashless betting.

The report suggests the Americans’ perceptions of gambling is much more positive now, than a generation ago.

GVC Foundation US trustee and GVC Holdings director of regulatory affairs Martin Lycka, said: “Our goal in drafting questions for the study was to highlight all major aspects of sports betting–the good, the bad and the ugly.

“For sports betting to be the fun, safe, and well-structured enterprise that it’s meant to be, our industry needs to commit to honestly presenting its unique components to all regulators and legislators alike.”

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