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BetBlocker now available in Dutch language


BetBlocker is a UK-registered charity, offering freely available blocking software on the market. The app allows users to restrict themselves from accessing remote gambling services entirely via a continuous block, or to manage when they can access gambling by scheduling when the restriction switches on/off.

The app is already available worldwide in its English form, so the service expansion into other language markets represents a natural progression for the service.

Duncan Garvie, Founder and Trustee for the charity, commented: “Expanding BetBlocker to other language markets has always been a clear objective for the service. The most significant barrier to taking this step is providing native language support, due to the staffing costs involved.

“The partnership with L&L Europe is a symbiotic relationship that both allows BetBlocker to focus the funding we receive on improving and expanding the protections our app offers, while L&L Europe demonstrates its commitment to responsible gambling, providing translation services to allow Dutch users to access BetBlocker in the language they are most comfortable with.”

Jan Wienk, Marketing Manager and Head of Product Development for L&L Europe, added: “How a simple question like: ‘Is there a gambling block application available in the Dutch language?’ results in such an amazing and well-executed project.

“Extremely proud to be collaborating with Betblocker & “Pas op met Gamen en Gokken” founder Feite Hofman. An online casino operator has a duty of care, and this project completion shows we have. This truly shows we’re not only compliant within the field of responsible gambling, but we also take the extra step.”

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