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Tipico study looks into sports betting superstitions… with intriguing results

fingers crossed

According to the study, numerous fans are so invested in their home teams; 62% of them admitted to having blamed themselves for their team’s loss and are even known as ‘The Mush’ to their family or friends.

Additionally, 38% of gamblers admitted they feel someone in their family is ‘bad luck’ and, of those, 84% have asked them to leave the room when the game is on.

On top of placing regular wagers, 59% of the participants to the survey said they made friendly bets with loved ones while watching a game and insist on a debt payment (including paying a tab at a bar, wearing a rivals’ jersey or getting a humiliating haircut).

Fans admit they are cautious in ensuring they don’t jinx their team; two-thirds of sports fans report to be superstitious in regard to the game day. Among the most popular ‘sports superstitions’ used by fans, the survey has listed wearing a specific jersey (some fans admitted to never washing the jersey all season) or sitting in a specific spot on the sofa.

The study also revealed the most popular ‘betting superstitions’ among sports fans.

The list of banned things to say or to do includes saying “you can’t lose,” wishing “good luck,”  using a $50 bill, betting on one’s favourite team, as well as not betting on one’s favourite team. Hopefully someone doesn’t believe in both those last superstitions at the same time…

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